RSU Ranks as Best Latvian University in SCImago International Rankings for the Third Year
This year, for the third year in a row, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) leads the international rankings of academic and research institutions (SCImago Institutions Ranking) among the higher education institutions Latvia.
Overall, RSU ranks 676th in the world, while the University of Latvia ranks 740th, Riga Technical University - 766th, Daugavpils University - 817th, and Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - 836th.
Of the other Baltic countries, ten Lithuanian and six Estonian universities and research institutions were included in the SCImago Institution Rankings 2021. The University of Tartu ranks the highest in the Baltic States as 519th in the world.
In comparison with other Latvian universities, RSU has obtained the highest results in two of the three individual ranking categories: innovation and research. The ranking uses criteria that are divided into three groups and reflect achievements in the research, innovation, and social fields in order to assess and compare institutions.
Research results make up 50% of the evaluation and covers 11 different indicators ranging from publication output, excellence, and impact on the international cooperation of the authors. The other half of the evaluation consists of the results of institutional innovation (30%) and impact on society (20%). Innovation is evaluated using data related to patents and is derived from patent databases. In order to measure the impact of institutions’ scientific activities on society, indicators related to both scientific and social impact, as well as visibility on social media and online are analysed.
The SCImago Institutions Ranking corroborates the high-quality research results of RSU. This has also just been upheld by international experts who were commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science and carried out an evaluation of 37 scientific institutions in Latvia from 2019 to the beginning of 2021. RSU received a high rating on their medicine, public health, and social sciences platforms. On the whole, RSU is recognised as a strong, international research organisation with very high quality standards. The scientific evaluations can be accessed on the Ministry of Education and Science website:
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