RSU's Sustainability Development Highly Ranked in Prestigious Times Higher Education Ranking
The sustainable development of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) has been ranked highly in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2021. RSU is ranked 28th best university in the world in the Good Health and Well-being category. This is one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which RSU is implementing according to the ranking.
Compared to last year, RSU has improved the most in the Good Health and Well-being category moving from 56th to 28th place. RSU's achievements are also highly rated in other categories: Partnerships for the Goals, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, as well as Decent Work and Economic Growth. These results are a result of the priorities set out in the RSU strategies, which include implementing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
‘Such recognition is a testament to our care and responsibility in training young healthcare professionals, as well as providing research to promote healthy living and well-being. This is particularly important at a time when the world is still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges this poses to the healthcare and welfare systems,’ says RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons.
RSU ranks among the 301–400th best universities in the world. THE Impact Rankings is currently the only international rating that assesses universities’ impact on the environment, economy and society. It aims to promote sustainable development in the world.
About Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings
All UN Member States adopted Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, stating that reducing poverty should be closely linked to strategies that improve access to healthcare and education opportunities, reduce inequalities and promote economic growth, while tackling climate change and working to preserve the oceans and forests. Latest results from THE Impact Rankings.
More about RSU's priority sustainable development goals and their implementation.
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