Otrdien, 10. decembrī, Rīgas Stradiņa Universitātes (RSU) Latvijas Sporta pedagoģijas akadēmijas (LSPA) telpās notiks Sporta kapelānu servisa 10 gadu jubilejas svinības. Aicinām visus interesentus piedalīties šajā notikumā, kas vienlaikus būs iespēja aizdomāties par vērtībām sportā un sabiedrībā kopumā.
On 3 December, the Government decided that Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) can also launch a pilot project on institutional funding for higher education.
The pilot project will allow RSU to have more flexibility in determining the principles of fees, meaning which students can study free of charge, for a partial fee, or for a full fee. These decisions will vary depending on the scale, cost price and demand for different study programmes, explains the Ministry of Education and Science.
On 17 December, the RSU business incubator B-Space will host the closing event of the pre-incubation programme, also known as PINK. During the event, the participant teams will present their business ideas to a jury of mentors and experts.
Everyone interested is invited to join the event, support the aspiring entrepreneurs, get inspired for their future presentations, and network in a pleasant atmosphere.
On Tuesday, 10 December, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE) will host a celebration to mark the 10th anniversary of its Sports Chaplaincy. We invite everyone to take part in this event, which will offer an opportunity to reflect on the values of sport and society in general.
The elections for the new board of the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) International Student Association (ISA) took place on 8 October this year.
Mazeen Mazhar was elected as the President of the RSU ISA in 2025. He was previously the association's Assistant to the Head of Integration and Sports.
On 12-17 November, the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) mixed choir Rīga visited Austria with conductors Zane Zilberte and Evita Taranda. The choir gave concerts in Salzburg and Graz and received standing ovations from the audience.
The elections for the Board of the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Student Union (Studējošo pašpārvalde, SP) were held on 20 November 2024. The new Board will take up its duties on 1 January 2025.
Kristaps Dambergs will defend his doctoral dissertation on 11 December at 13:30 in an open meeting of the RSU Clinical Medicine doctoral committee. His dissertation is titled 'Characterisation of Acquired Human Cholesteatoma in Ontogenetic Aspect.'
Aysha Rafeeque is an eighth-semester medical student at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). She is originally from India. Zahraa Merchant is a seventh-semester medical student, also from India. Parija Arabshoorabi is an eighth-semester medical student from Sweden. The three students formed the team Health Connect to participate in the EIT Health i-Days health innovation event for Latvian university students in October this year.
Students, graduates, employees and researchers of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) are invited to apply for the international pre-incubation programme Green Hexagon. This is the first programme at RSU that’s dedicated to development of sustainable business ideas and is organised by universities from Latvia, Estonia, and Austria.