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Submitted by Viesis (not verified) on Fri, 25.10.2024 - 03:00

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:4.00
Study Course Accepted:24.10.2024 18:08:09
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Sustainability at RSU: how it is implemented and why it is important

Writer: Linda Rozenbaha, RSU Public Relations Unit
Photo from RSU archive

All universities shape the future, because students will be the people who influence their country and the world for many years to come. Taking care of a sustainable environment at the university means taking care of this future world, which will be shaped by our students and teaching staff. This care demonstrates the ability to be responsible and far-sighted. 

Newly elected RSU Senate takes office

On 1 October 2024, the Constitutional Assembly of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) elected a new RSU Senate for a term of three years.

The first meeting of the newly elected Senate was held on 22 October, at which the following positions were elected:

Submitted by Viesis (not verified) on Thu, 24.10.2024 - 03:00

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:3.00
Study Course Accepted:01.11.2024 12:07:35
Study Course Information
Course Code:
RSU and RTU student team wins EIT Health i-Days health innovation event with a solution for children's palliative care

The EIT Health i-Days health innovation event for Latvian university students took place in Riga on 10 - 11 October, inspiring them to get involved in healthcare innovation and start-ups. The winning team, team Linky, are students from Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) and Riga Technical University (RTU) who have been looking for a solution to a challenge from the Children's Hospital to provide effective palliative care for children.

Exterior of RSU main building

Applicants from abroad have so far shown more interest in international job offers for tenured professorships at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) and Riga Technical University (RTU), but less interest in positions at the University of Latvia (LU), according to the news portals TVnet and LETA.

RSU has announced seven vacancies and received a total of 57 applications, 47 of which were from abroad.

Vija Veisa will defend her doctoral dissertation on 5 November at 15:00 in an open meeting of the RSU Clinical Medicine doctoral committee. Her dissertation is titled 'Iodine Sufficiency during Pregnancy in Latvia.'

Official reviewers​​​​​

  • Prof. (Dr. med.) Gunta Lazdāne, Rīga Stradiņš University
  • Prof. (PhD) Mindaugas Kliučinskas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)
  • Assoc. Prof. (PhD) Lina Zabulienė, University of Vilnius (Lithuania)

On Wednesday 23 October, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Theodoros Rousopoulos, will give a lecture on media, politics and international affairs at the Rīga Stradiņs University (RSU) Faculty of Social Sciences. In addition to being an experienced and well-known Greek politician, Theodoros Rousopoulos has also been an influential journalist for many years. In his talk, he will share his wealth of experience and draw on his career in both the media and the political arena. 

In this talk, Rico Isaacs will explore the importance of attending and presenting at academic conferences and especially the role such activity plays in developing academic networks. In the talk he will cover the process of writing a good abstract, the writing of the paper and how to present well at a conference (and how not to!). Other areas that will be discussed are the reletaive merits of conferences over workshops and vice-versa, and some strategies for buliding networks and how to use conferences to build momentum in an academic career.

In this online session, Rico Isaacs will discuss the process of crafting and writing a book proposal and securing a book contract, as well as giving some guidance on the art of monograph writing and seeing it through to publication and promotion. In the talk Rico will also explore the releative advantages and disadvantages of peer-reviewed journal articles vs. research monographs and some general tactics and approaches which can be deployed when writing and seeking to publish both journal articles and books.

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