Climate change is only considered to be the most serious global problem by 6% of Latvian citizens. For obvious reasons, the spread of infectious diseases comes first, followed by the economy and armed conflicts. Scientists are, however, seen as the most reliable opinion leaders when it comes to climate change: 79% of respondents trust scientists. These are the first conclusions of a project implemented by Vineta Kleinberga, a doctoral student at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) and a researcher at the RSU Faculty of European Studies.
Plasma transfusion and caring for intubated patients are just some of the skills that Ingus Arnolds Apse, a student at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU), had to develop quickly while he was working with COVID-19 patients. Unlike last December, when the prospective doctor joined his practicing colleagues on the frontline of the pandemic and other students’ response was not so great, Apse now meets many of his fellow students at the hospital.
The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Centre for Educational Growth (Pedagoģiskās izaugsmes centrs, PIC) begins each academic year with the determination to implement new and modern creative ideas. This year is no exception.
We speak with Associate Professor Nora Jansone-Ratinika, PIC Director (pictured), about the achievements, intentions, new methods and participants’ response.
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Starting from Monday, 15 November, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) will resume the in-person study process in a COVID-19 safe environment. Students and employees will only be able to participate in the study process if they hold an interoperable COVID-19 vaccination or recovery certificate.
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