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ProjectRealisationProject managerProject category
EmpoweRIng Citizens to adopt Healthy lifestyle Habits: A data-enaBled communIty-based ciTizen Science approach (EnRICH-HABITS)
Līguma nr.: ES RTD/2024/20
 - Signe TomsoneES Programmes
Energy efficiency measures in Riga, 3 Hipokrāta iela
Līguma nr.:
 - Mārtiņš MenniksEU Structural Funds
Enhancing General Practitioner Resilience in Latvia: Challenges and Solutions
Līguma nr.: VPP-VM-Sabiedrības_Veselība-2024/1-0002
 - prof. Ilze GropeNational Research Programme
Enhancing Quality of Life Post-Stroke (EQLstroke) - Signe TomsoneES Programmes
Epidemiology, pathogenicity and potential association of human bocavirus (HBoV) types with diseases of deep airways and acute gastroenteritis in children
Līguma nr.: RSU ZP 17/2013
 - Zaiga Nora-KrūkleRSU Grants
ePlatform for Promoting Health in Schools (ePro-Schools) - Inese GobiņaES Programmes
Establishment of COVID-19 related biobank and integrated platform for research data in Latvia
Līguma nr.: VPP-COVID-2020/1-0016
 - Jānis Kloviņš (BMC)National Research Programme
Establishment of Environmental Modelling Centre at Riga Stradiņš University
Līguma nr.: LV 0042
 - prof.em. Maija EglīteEEA and Norway Grants
Establishment of uniform national level Latvian academic network to ensure research activities
Līguma nr.: 2010/0239/2DP/
 - Zigmunds ZitmanisEU Structural Funds
Ethco - For Better Ethical Safety in Future Health Care Environments
Līguma nr.: 2022-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000086335
 - doc. Agita Melbārde-KelmereES Programmes
EthCo – For better ethical safety in future health care environments
Līguma nr.: 2022-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000086335
 - doc. Agita Melbārde-KelmereES Programmes
EUROPARTNER: Strengthening and spreading international partnership activities of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection for interdisciplinary research and innovation of the University of Lodz
Līguma nr.: Cooperation Angreement No 2/2019
 - Maria IssagouliantisOther
European network on Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome (EUROMENE)
Līguma nr.: COST aktivitāte Nr. 15111
 - Modra MurovskaES Programmes
European Partnership for Risk Assessment of Chemicals (PARC)
Līguma nr.: 101057014
 - Inese MārtiņsoneES Programmes
Evaluation of endometrial premalignant and malignant pathologies in the Latvian female population and selection of their prognostic biomarkers for the development of an algorithm
Līguma nr.: EEZ09AP-24/03
 - prof. Valērija GromaEEA and Norway Grants
Excess weight, dietary habits and vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acid status in pregnancy
Līguma nr.: lzp-2019/1-0335
 - Laila MeijaFundamental and applied research programme
Expansion of educational service export market at Riga Stradiņš University (I)
Līguma nr.: L-ĀTA-15-2923
 - Baiba PētersoneEU Structural Funds
Expansion of educational service export market at Riga Stradiņš University (II)
Līguma nr.: L-ĀTA-15-3235
 - Baiba PētersoneEU Structural Funds
Experience exchange visit of the teaching staff of RSU Faculty of Dentistry to the University of Tromso, Department of Clinical Dentistry
Līguma nr.: LLP-LdV-VETPRO-2008-LV-321
 - Rita KundziņaES Programmes
Factors and Actors Contributing to the Willingness to Defend One’s Own Country: the Case of Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan (WILLDEF)
Līguma nr.: LV-LT-TW/2024/6
 - Māris AndžānsES Programmes