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Work experience

2008 - Present


Riga Stradins University, Department of Pediatrics

1996 - Present


University Children Hospital

2003 - 2008

Associate Professor

Riga Stradins University, Department of Pediatrics

1997 - 2003

Assistent Professor

Latvian Medical Academy / Riga Stradins University Department of Pediatrics

1995 - 1997


Latvian Medical Academy, Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

1986 - 1995


Riga Medical Institute, Department of Postgraduate Education

1985 - 1986

Senior Assistant

Riga Medical Institute, Department of Postgraduate Education

1979 - 1982


Central Hospital of Jurmala



Faculty of Medicine, Department of Paediatrics

Education and training

1972 - 1978

Medical doctor

Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics

1978 - 1979

Internship in pediatrics

Riga Medical Institute

1983 - 1985

Clinical studies in pediatrics

Riga Medical Institute


Doctor of medical sciences

Ph.D. Thesis in medical sciences "Hepatic lipoproteid - autoimmune and prognostic criteria in children with viral hepatitis B".


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

1986 Didactics, Moscow, Russia

1987 Electrocardiography, Riga, Latvia

1988 Hepatology, Riga, Latvia

1994 Traineeship, Sendenhorst Center of Rheumatology, The

University Clinic of Münster, Germany

1995 Traineeship, Sendenhorst Center of Rheumatology, The

University Clinic of Münster, Germany

1999 Traineeship, Sendenhorst Center of Rheumatology, The

University Clinic of Münster, Germany

2005 Reanimatology, Riga, Latvia

2006 Osteoporosis, Italy

2006; 2008 Pediatric rheumatology, Germany

2009 Inservice training courses of transfusion, Riga, Latvia

2009 GCP courses, Riga, Latvia

2010 IT courses

2011 GCP courses for Investigational Site Staff Verssion 1.2

2012 Pediatric rhuematology Mumbay, India

2011, 2014 Rheumatology Clinical precongress courses

Field of research

Pediatric rheumatology diseases.

Autoinflammation diseases.

Autoimmune diseases.

Genetic predisposition.

Supervised study course

Basics of Paediatrics I

Basics of Paediatrics II

Basics of Paediatrics III

Basics of Paediatrics (Digestive, Urinary, Respiratory, Skeletal and Muscular system)

Basics of Paediatrics (Haematopoiesis, Endocrine, Connective Tissue, Cardiovascular Systems)

Paediatric Diseases (Neonatology, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Paediatric Infectious Diseases)

Lectured study course

Paediatric Diseases (Neonatology, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Paediatric Infectious Diseases)

Paediatric Diseases II (Paediatric Rheumatology, Paediatric Nephrology, Paediatric Cardiology)

Paediatric Diseases III (Neonatology, Paediatric Endocrinology, Paediatric Haematology)

Basics of Paediatrics I

Basics of Paediatrics II

Basics of Paediatrics III

Paediatric Diseases IV


Principal Investigator:

PRINTO trials

Pfizer trials

BMS trial

LSB trials

IZM trial

RSU trials


President Latvian Association of Pediatric Rheumatologists

Chairman Latvian Association of Pediatric Rheumatologists

Sertification and Resertification Commission

Member Latvian Association of Rheumatology and Sertification


Member of Pediatric Association of Latvia

Member Medical Faculty Council, Riga Stradins University till 2018

Head Riga Stradins University, Medical Faculty, Programme of


Principal investigator PRINTO (Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials


Latvia Scientific Board expert

Awards and recognitions

1988 3rd place in the Conference of the Young Investigators in Immunology, Moscow

1999 Children's Clinical University Hospital of Latvia – honorary award

2006 1st place, Confernce of the Germany Children and Adolescent Rheumatology

2011 Riga Stradins University of Latvia – honorary award

2013 Children's Clinical University Hospital of Latvia – honorary


2014 Riga Stradins University of Latvia – honorary award

Objects of intellectual property rights

Līdzeklis bērnu juvenilā idiopātiskā artrīta (JIA) ārstēšanai : LV 14106 B : patents / izgudrotāji: V.Staņēviča, J.Eglīte, L.Kovaļčuka, D.Gardovska, A.Sočņevs ...[u.c.]. - Pieteikts: 14.12.2009 ; publicēts: 20.01.2011. // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.1 (2011), 32.lpp.


Research articles​​

Are diffuse and limited juvenile systemic sclerosis different in clinical presentation? Clinical characteristics of a juvenile systemic sclerosis cohort / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders. - Vol.4, No.1 (2019, Febr.), p.49-61. - Web of Science un/vai Scopus. - DOI: 10.1177/2397198318790494

The PRINTO evidence-based proposal for glucocorticoids tapering/discontinuation in new onset juvenile dermatomyositis patients / G.Giancane, C.Lavarello, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology. - Vol.17, No.1 (2019, May), article No.24. - Web of Science un/vai Scopus. - DOI: 10.1186/s12969-019-0326-5

Effect of biologic therapy on clinical and laboratory features of macrophage activation syndrome associated with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis / G.S.Schulert, E.Minoia, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken). - Vol.70, No.3 (2018, March), p.409-419. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Effect of biologic therapy on clinical and laboratory features of macrophage activation syndrome associated with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis / G.S.Schulert, F.Minoia, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis Care and Research. - Vol.70, No.3 (2018, March), p.409-419. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Pharmacovigilance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients treated with biologic or synthetic drugs : combined data of more than 15,000 patients from Pharmachild and national registries [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.Swart, G.Giancane, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // Arthritis Research & Therapy [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.20, No.1 (2018, Dec.), article No.285, [11 p.]. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Višņevska, Marina. Primārā reimatiskā drudža epidemioloģiskais, klīniskais un laboratoriskais raksturojums Latvijā no 1995. līdz 2016. gadam / M.Višņevska, V.Staņēviča // Zinātniskie raksti : 2017.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2018. - 39.-49.lpp.

Development and initial validation of the macrophage activation syndrome/primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis score, a diagnostic tool that differentiates primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis from macrophage activation syndrome / F.Minoia ...[et al.] ; on behalf of the Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organization, the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance, the Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group, and the Histiocyte Society : Z.Davidsone, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // The Journal of Pediatrics. - Vol.189, (2017, Oct.), p.72-78.e3. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

2016 classification criteria for macrophage activation syndrome complicating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis : a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology/Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation Collaborative initiative / A.Ravelli ...[et al.] ; Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation, Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance, Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group, Histiocyte Society: Z.Davidsone, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.68, No.3 (2016, March), p.566-576. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

HLA II class alleles in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with and without temporomandibular joint arthritis [Elektroniskais resurss] / Z.Dāvidsone, J.Eglīte, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.14, No.1:24 (2016, Apr.), [p.1-6]. - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 7.sept. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Prednisone versus prednisone plus ciclosporin versus prednisone plus methotrexate in new-onset juvenile dermatomyositis : a randomised trial / N.Ruperto ...[et al.] ; Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation (PRINTO): V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // The Lancet. - Vol.387, Issue 10019 (2016, Febr.), p.671-678. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Radiologic features of temporomandibular joint osseous structures in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Cone beam computed tomography study / I.Urtane, I.Jankovska, Z.Davidsone, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal. - Vol.18, No.2 (2016), p.51-60. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Riska alēļu analīze pacientiem ar vēnu trombozi un hronisku venozu mazspēju Latvijā / V.Staņēviča, H.Mikažāne, E.Miklaševičs ...[u.c.] // Zinātniskie raksti : 2015.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 327.-335.lpp.

HLA II klases alēles juvenila idiopātiska artrīta slimniekiem ar temporomandibulāro locītavu artrītu / J.Eglīte, A.Lazareva, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // Zinātniskie raksti : 2014.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 229.-234.lpp.

Bioloģiskās terapijas efektivitāte pacientiem ar poliartikulāru un sistēmas juvenilu idiopātisku artrītu / I.Kajuna, B.Cikovska, R.Šantere, V.Staņēviča // Zinātniskie raksti : 2013.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 82.-88.lpp.

Efficacy and safety of open-label etanercept on extended oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic arthritis : part 1 (week 12) of the CLIPPER study / G.Horneff, R.Burgos-Vargas, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.73, No.6 (2014, June), p.1114-1122. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Lazareva, Arina. TNF-α gēna polimorfisms juvenila idiopātiska artrīta slimniekiem un tā saistība ar slimības gaitu / A.Lazareva, J.Eglīte, V.Staņēviča // Zinātniskie raksti : 2013.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 325.-329.lpp.

Mandibular condyle characteristics in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients compared with control group by cone beam computed tomography assessment / H.Al-Shwaikh, I.Urtane, V.Stanevica, Z.Davidsone // Collection of Scientific Papers 2014 : Research articles in medicine & pharmacy / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2014. - P.92-98.

Performance of current guidelines for diagnosis of macrophage activation syndrome complicating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis / S.Davi, F.Minoia, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.66, No.10 (2014, Oct.), p.2871-2880. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Temporomandibulāro locītavu artrīta diagnostika un lokālā terapija juvenila idiopātiska artrīta slimniekiem / V.Staņēviča, Z.Dāvidsone, I.Urtāne ...[u.c.] // Zinātniskie raksti : 2013.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 7.-11.lpp.

Juvenils idiopātisks artrīts – slimības aktivitātes novērtējums un jaunākās ārstēšanas iespējas / A.Lazareva, Z.Dāvidsone, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // Latvijas Ārsts. - Nr.6 (2013, jūn.), 10.-13.lpp.


'A first-degree relative with psoriasis' as a criterion for the ILAR classification system [Elektroniskais resurss] / R.Achten, J.Swart, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.47-48. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

After 12 months observational period the patients related outcomes improve significantly in the juvenile scleroderma inceptions cohorte. [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.141. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Assessing the clinical relevance and risk minimization of antibodies to biologics in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) (ABIRISK) - preliminary results [Elektroniskais resurss] / M.Finetti, G.Giancane, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.103-104. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Do Raynaud phenomenon negative juvenile systemic scleroderma patients have a different pattern of organ involvement as Raynaud phenomenon positive patients? [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.146. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - T.p. žurn. "Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases". - Vol.77, Suppl.2 (2018, June), p.490. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Evidence based recommendations for corticosteroid tapering/discontinuation in new onset juvenile dermatomyositis patients : results from the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.70, Issue Suppl.S9 (2018, Sept.), abstract No.478. - 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL, USA, Oct.19-24, 2018) : Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Interstitial lung disease in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients in the Pharmachild registry [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.De Groot, B.Vastert, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.17. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Longitudinal effectiveness of Abatacept in juvenile idiopathic arthritis : results from an ongoing JIA registry [Elektroniskais resurss] / N.Ruperto, D.J.Lovell, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.197-198. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Molecular genetic studies of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles and clinical profile of acute rheumatic fever in Latvia [Elektroniskais resurss] / M.Visnevska, V.Stanevica, J.Eglite, Z.Davidsone ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.222. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Patients and physician related outcomes improve significantly over 12 months follow up in patients with juvenile systemic sclerosis. Results from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort. / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.77, Suppl.2 (2018, June), p.490. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Pharmacovigilance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients treated with biologic agents and/or methotrexate. Combined data of more than 15,000 patients from Pharmachild and national registries [Elektroniskais resurss] / G.Giancane, J.Swart, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.8-9. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Risk factors of developing autoimmune thyroid disease in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis [Elektroniskais resurss] / L.Baas, J.Swart, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.53-54. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Staņēviča, Valda. Incidence and clinical manifestations of acute rheumatic fever from 1995 to 2016 in Latvia / V.Staņēviča // 2018.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2018.g. 22.-23.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2018. - 11.lpp.

Update from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.70, Issue Suppl.S9 (2018, Sept.), abstract No.1425. - 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL, USA, Oct.19-24, 2018) : Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Update from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort. [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.16, Suppl.2 (2018), p.141-142. - Proceedings of the 25th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS 2018) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.5-8, 2018) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Adjudication of infections from the pharmacovigilance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients (pharmachild) treated with biologic agents and/or methotrexate with a focus on opportunistic infections [Elektroniskais resurss] / G.Giancane, J.Swart, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), p.14-15. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - T.p . žurn. "Arthritis & Rheumatology". - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.2333. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

An open-label extension study to assess the long-term safety and clinical benefit of etanercept in pediatric patients with extended oligo, enthesitis related, and psoriatic JIA : 6-year data from the clipper studies [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, T.Constantin, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), p.49-50. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - T.p . žurn. "Arthritis & Rheumatology". - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.2273. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Antifosfolipīdu antivielas pacientiem ar hronisku venozu mazspēju Latvijā / I.Kajuna, H.Mikažāne, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // 2017.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2017.g. 6.-7.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2017. - 271.lpp.

Are patients with overlap features different from patients without? Results from the juvenile systemic scleroderma cohort [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.2959. - 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA, USA, Nov.3-8, 2017) : Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Cytokine gene polymorphisms (IL-6, TNFα) in children with rheumatic fever in Latvia / M.Visnevska, V.Stanevica, Z.Davidsone ...[et al.] // 2017.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2017.g. 6.-7.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2017. - 6.lpp.

Evidence based recommendations for corticosteroid tapering/discontinuation in new onset juvenile dermatomyositis patients from the PRINTO trial [Elektroniskais resurss] / G.Giancane, C.Lavarello, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), abstract No.O31. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - T.p. žurn. "Arthritis & Rheumatology". - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.2956. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Growth and puberty in juvenile dermatomyositis, a longitudinal multicenter printo study [Elektroniskais resurss] / E.Nordal, A.Pistorio, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), abstract No.P280. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - T.p. žurn. "Arthritis & Rheumatology". - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.1278. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

HLA II class alleles in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with and without chronic arthritis signs in temporomandibular joints evaluated with contrast enhanced MRI [Elektroniskais resurss] / Z.Davidsone, E.Eglite, A.Kolesovs, R.Santere, V.Stanevica // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), p.35. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Is there a difference in the clinical presentation of juvenile systemic scleroderma patients according the age of onset : results from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort. [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), abstract No.P300. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - T.p. žurn. "Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases". - Vol.76, Suppl.2 (2017), p.1389-1390. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Is there a difference in the presentation of male and female patients with diffuse subtype of juvenile systemic sclerosis? Results from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), abstract No.P299. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Long-term effectiveness and safety of Abatacept in juvenile idiopathic arthritis : ongoing results from the Abatacept in JIA Registry [Elektroniskais resurss] / D.J.Lovell, N.Ruperto, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.2272. - 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA, USA, Nov.3-8, 2017) : Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Male patients have a more severe course as female patients with diffuse juvenile systemic scleroderma? Results from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.1283. - 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA, USA, Nov.3-8, 2017) : Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Performance of juvenile scleroderma classification criteria for juvenile systemic sclerosis. Results from the jSSc inception cohort [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.Klotsche, I.Foeldvari, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.1286. - 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA, USA, Nov.3-8, 2017) : Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Quality of life evaluation in new onset juvenile dermatomyositis patients from the PRINTO trial [Elektroniskais resurss] / A.Guariento, E.Fueri, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), p.147. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - T.p. žurn. "Arthritis & Rheumatology". - Vol.69, Issue Suppl.S10 (2017, Oct.), abstract No.2259. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) ARG753GLN and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) THR399ILE polymorphisms in children with rheumatic fever in Latvia [Elektroniskais resurss] / M.Visnevska, V.Stanevica, Z.Davidsone ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.15, Suppl.2 (2017), p.122. - Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Athens, Greece, Sept.14-17, 2017) : Meeting Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Adjudication of infections in the pharmacovigilance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients (Pharmachild) treated with biologic agents and/or methotrexate / J.Swart, F.Boris, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.75, Suppl.2 (2016), p.139. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - T.p.krāj. "23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016)" (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016). - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.032.

Analyses of 247 patients with recurrent inflammation of unknown cause / [Elektroniskais resurss] / C.Eijkelboom, L.Cantarini, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // 23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016) (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016) [Elektroniskais resurss] : Abstracts. - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.025. - Resurss aprakstīts 2017.g. 17.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Assessing the clinical relevance and risk minimization of antibodies to biologics in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) (ABIRISK). Baseline characteristic and 6 months preliminary data of children treated with Etanercept, Adalimumab or Tocilizumab [Elektroniskais resurss] / M.Finetti, F.Bovis, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // 23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016) (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016) [Elektroniskais resurss] : Abstracts. - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.P224. - Resurss aprakstīts 2017.g. 9.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Biologic therapy modifies clinical and laboratory features of macrophage activation syndrome associated with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis / G.Schulert, F.Minoia, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.2375. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Citokīnu gēnu – IL10, IL6, TNFA – polimorfisms bērniem ar reimatisko drudzi Latvijā / V.Staņēviča, L.Ņikitina-Zaķe, L.Zepa ...[u.c.] // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 150.lpp.

Cytokine gene polymorphisms (IL10, IL6, TNFα) in children with rheumatic fever in Latvia / V.Stanevica, L.Nikitina-Zake, Z.Davidsone ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.75, Suppl.2 (2016), p.769. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Evidence based criteria for corticosteroid tapering/discontinuation. An analysis of the PRINTO trial in new onset juvenile dermatomyositis [Elektroniskais resurss] / G.Giancane, C.Lavarello, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // 23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016) (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016) [Elektroniskais resurss] : Abstracts. - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.P107. - Resurss aprakstīts 2017.g. 9.febr. - T.p. žurn. "Arthritis & Rheumatology".- Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.1366. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Is there a difference in the presentation of diffuse and limited subtype in childhood? Results from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.2389. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - T.p. krāj. "44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Rheumatologie, 26. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kinder-und Jugendrheumatologie" (Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Aug.31-Sept.3, 2016). - Frankfurt am Main, 2016.- Abstr. No.KR02.

Is there difference in the pesentation of male and female patients with juvenile systemic sclerosis? Results from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.75, Suppl.2 (2016), p.271. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - T.p. krāj. "44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Rheumatologie, 26. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kinder-und Jugendrheumatologie" (Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Aug.31-Sept.3, 2016). - Frankfurt am Main, 2016.- Abstr. No.GM16dgrh059.

Long-term effectiveness and safety of abatacept in juvenile idiopathic arthritis : interim results from the abatacept in JIA Registry / D.J.Lovell, N.Ruperto, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.389. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Medication use in the juvenile systemic sclerosis inception cohort. Are there differences in the diffuse and limited subset patients? / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.2393. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - T.p. krāj. "23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016)" (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016). - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.P120.

Predictors of clinical remission with etanercept in pediatric patients with extended oligoarticular, enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic arthritis : findings from the clipper study / A.Consolaro, G.Horneff, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.398. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - T.p. krāj. "23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016)" (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016). - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.P321.

Risk of infections in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients treated with biologic agents and/or methotrexate : results from pharmachild registry [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.Swart, G.Giancane, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // 23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016) (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016) [Elektroniskais resurss] : Abstracts. - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.P211. - Resurss aprakstīts 2017.g. 9.febr. - T.p. žurn. "Arthritis & Rheumatology". - Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.3116. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Riska alēļu analīze pacientiem ar vēnu trombozēm Latvijā / I.Kajuna, H.Mikažāne, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 44.lpp.

Temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance imaging findings correlated with subjective and objective symptoms in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis [Elektroniskais resurss] / Z.Dāvidsone, A.Lazareva, V.Staņēviča ...[et al.] // 23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016) (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016) [Elektroniskais resurss] : Abstracts. - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.P351. - Resurss aprakstīts 2017.g. 9.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Temporomandibulāro locītavu artrīta attīstību ietekmējošie faktori pacientiem ar juvenilu idiopātisku artrītu / Z.Dāvidsone, D.Bērziņa, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 148.lpp.

Update on the juvenile systemic sclerosis inception cohort project. Characteristics of the first 74 patients at first assessment / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.75, Suppl.2 (2016), p.761-762. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - T.p. krāj. "44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Rheumatologie, 26. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kinder-und Jugendrheumatologie" (Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Aug.31-Sept.3, 2016). - Frankfurt am Main, 2016.- Abstr. No.KR01.

Update on the juvenile systemic sclerosis inception cohort project. Characteristics of the first 80 patients at first assessment / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.68, Issue Suppl.s10 (2016, Oct.), abstr. No.2391. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - T.p. krāj. "23rd European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress (PReS-2016)" (Genoa, Italy, Sept.28-Oct.1, 2016). - Genoa, 2016. - Abstr. No.P118.

Antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with vein thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency without or with leg ulcer in Latvia / I.Kajuna, V.Stanevica, H.Mikazhane ...[et al.] // Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) (Rome, Italy, June 10-13, 2015) : [Abstracts]. - Rome, 2015. - Abstr. No.3041.

Atsevišķa nukleotīda polimorfisms pacientiem ar dziļo vēnu trombozi / H.Mikažāne, V.Staņēviča, I.Kajuna ...[u.c.] // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 138.lpp.

IL-6 un TNF-α gēnu polimorfismi bērniem ar juvenilu idiopātisku artrītu / A.Lazareva, J.Eglīte, Z.Dāvidsone, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 242.lpp.

IL-6, IL-1A and TNF-α gene polimorphism in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis / A.Lazareva, J.Eglite, Z.Davidsone, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.74, Suppl.2 (2015, June), p.964. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Is there a difference in the presentation of diffuse and limited subtype of juvenile systemic sclerosis in childhood? Results from the juvenile scleroderma inception cohort / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.67, Issue Suppl.s10 (2015, Oct.), abstr. No.413. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Long-term effectiveness and safety of abatacept in juvenile idiopathic arthritis : interim results from the abatacept in JIA registry / D.J.Lovell, N.Ruperto, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.67, Issue Suppl.s10 (2015, Oct.), abstr. No.1446. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Performance of the adult systemic sclerosis classification in juvenile systemic sclerosis patients. Results from the juvenile systemic sclerosis inception cohorte / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.67, Issue Suppl.s10 (2015, Oct.), abstr. No.414. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Risk of temporomandibular joint involvement in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with polyarticular course : [abstract] / Z.Dāvidsone, V.Stanevica, E.Eglite, A.Lazareva ...[et al.] // The Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman 4th International Conference on Pediatric Chronic Diseases, Disability and Human Development (Jerusalem, Israel, Jan.20-23) : Program. - Jerusalem, 2015. - P.90.

Temporomandibulāro locītavu magnētiskās rezonanses izmeklējuma atrade un klīniskie simptomi pacientiem ar juvenilu idiopātisku artrītu / Z.Dāvidsone, A.Lazareva, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 234.lpp.

The addition of one or more biologics to methotrexate in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis increases the incidence of infections and other adverse events / J.Swart, A.Pistorio, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.67, Issue Suppl.s10 (2015, Oct.), abstr. No.956. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

The addition of one or more biologics to methotrexate in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis increases the incidence of infections and serious adverse events. The 5882 pharmachild cohort / J.Swart, A.Pistorio, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.74, Suppl.2 (2015, June), p.91. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Update on the juvenile systemic sclerosis inception cohort project. Characteristics of the first 50 patients at first assessment. / I.Foeldvari, J.Klotsche, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // Arthritis & Rheumatology. - Vol.67, Issue Suppl.s10 (2015, Oct.), abstr. No.412. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Ģenētiskie riska faktori pacientiem ar vēnu slimībām / A.Mihailova, H.Mikažāne, V.Staņēviča ...[u.c.] // 2014.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2014.g. 10.-11.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 139.lpp.

HLA II class alleles in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with temporomandibular joint involvement [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / Z.Davidsone, E.Eglite, A.Lazareva, D.Berzina, V.Stanevicha ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.12, Suppl.1 (2014), P24. - Proceedings from 21st Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Belgrada, Serbia, Sept.17-21, 2014). - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

HLA II klases alēles pacientiem ar juvenilu idiopātisku artrītu un temporomandibulāro locītavu iekaisumu / Z.Dāvidsone, J.Eglīte, V.Staņēviča, A.Lazareva ...[u.c.] // 2014.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2014.g. 10.-11.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 243.lpp.

Nearly 20% of children are not correctly classified according to current ilar classification in a PRINTO dataset of more than 12,000 juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / V.Stanevicha, I.Rumba-Rozenfelde, A.Consolaro ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.12, Suppl.1 (2014), P176. - Proceedings from 21st Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Belgrada, Serbia, Sept.17-21, 2014). - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Pharmacovigilance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients (Pharmachild) treated with biologic agents and/or methotrexate. Consolidated baseline characteristics from Pharmachild and other national registries [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / V.Stanevicha, J.Swart, A.Consolaro ...[et al.] // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.12, Suppl.1 (2014), P7. - Proceedings from 21st Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Belgrada, Serbia, Sept.17-21, 2014). - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Cogan's syndrome : a diagnostic challenge. Report and review of the literature [Elektroniskais resurss] / A.Lazareva, Z.Davidsone, R.Santare, S.Kuske, V.Stanevicha // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.11, Suppl.2 (2013), P302. - Proceedings of 20th Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept.25-29, 2013) : [Abstracts]. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Disorders of osseous structure of TMJ in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis - CBCT study / I.Jankovska, I.Urtane, V.Stanevica ...[et al.] // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 293.lpp.

Kajuna, Irina. Bioloģiskās terapijas efektivitāte pacientiem ar poliartikulāru un sistēmas juvenilu idiopātisku artrītu / I.Kajuna, R.Šantere, V.Staņēviča // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 213.lpp.

Lazareva, Arina. TNF-α gēna polimorfisms juvenila idiopātiska artrīta pacientiem / A.Lazareva, J.Eglīte, V.Staņēviča // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 229.lpp.

Temporomandibular joint involvement in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis / Z.Dāvidsone, R.Šantare, Z.Krišjāne, I.Urtāne, V.Staņēviča // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.72, Suppl.3 (2013, June), p.1002. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Temporomandibulāro locītavu artrīta diagnostika un terapija juvenila idiopātiska artrīta pacientiem / V.Staņēviča, Z.Dāvidsone, I.Urtāne ...[u.c.] // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 215.lpp.

Books and brochures​​

Laimas slimības diagnostika un ārstēšana bērniem : uz literatūru un pierādījumiem balstītas praktiskas rekomendācijas / D.Zavadska, I.Lubaua, V.Staņēviča, S.Žīgure ...[u.c.]. - Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2018. - 32, [1] lpp.

Juvenīla idiopātiska artrīta klīniskās vadlīnijas [Elektroniskais resurss] / darba grupas vadītāja V.Staņēviča ; darba grupa: A.Lazareva, R.Šantere, Z.Dāvidsone. - Rīga : Latvijas Pediatru reimatologu biedrība, 2016. - 69 lpp. - Vadlīnijas pieejamas:

Juvenīla idiopātiska ātri progresējoša oligoartrīta attīstības riska noteikšanas paņēmiens bērniem sešus mēnešus pirms klīnisko pazīmju parādīšanās : LV 15269 B : patents / izgudrotāji: J.Eglīte, V.Staņēviča, M.Višņevska, O.Koļesova. - Pieteikts: 16.05.2017 ; publicēts: 20.05.2018. // Izgudrojumi, Preču Zīmes un Dizainparaugi. - Nr.5 (2018), 1031.lpp.


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