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For Students
For RSU Employees
Traditional Events

On Saturday, 7 September, staff, students, and special guests of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) celebrated the University's academic traditions and achievements at the traditional Academic Ball at the Riga Latvian Society House. The official part of the event included the presentation of the RSU Annual Awards and the Alumni Association Award.

Opening the ball, RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons reminded the audience that the University’s greatest asset on the road to excellence is its people and their commitment, and that after hard work, it is necessary to take a break and celebrate what has been achieved. Speeches were also delivered by the Minister of Health, Hosams Abu Meri, and the Chairman of the RSU Council, Reinis Bērziņš.

After the opening speeches, the Annual Awards were presented in nine categories to the most outstanding students, staff members, researchers, and departments, as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award. The RSU Alumni Association also presented its award.

  • Student of the Year Roberts Kārkliņš, 5th year student, Study Programme ‘Medicine’
  • Master’s Student of the Year Vita Redenka, Study Programme ‘Social Work’
  • Resident of the Year Daina Malinsa, 2nd year resident, Study Programme 'Residency in Medicine', family medicine speciality
  • Doctoral Student of the Year Zane Lucāne, 3rd year PhD student, Study Programme 'Health Care', Sub-Programme 'Medicine'
  • Lecturer of the Year Prof. Ilze Štrumfa, Head of the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine
  • Researcher of the Year Madara Auzenbaha, lecturer, Department of Biology and Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine
  • Structural Unit of the Year Medical Education Technology Centre
  • Administrative Employee of the Year Inga Kempa, Lead Researcher, Research Procurement Consultant, Research Administration Unit, Research Department
  • Lifetime Achievement Award Ilga Kreituse, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Social Sciences

The Alumni Association also presented its award, which this year went to Elizabete Pumpure, a gynaecologist and obstetrician who is a lecturer at RSU, teaches two subjects in the midwifery programme, actively teaches and participates in international conferences, and practices in Riga and the region.

As is tradition, the ball started with a polonaise. After the first round of dancing, guests watched a performance by the dance club Evita. The rest of the evening was spent in conversation, dancing, and various fun activities.

This year’s performers included Bigband Jelgava led by Raitis Ašmanis, Rūta Dūduma-Ķirse, Daumants Kalniņš, Mazais Princis, Papīra lidmašīnas and DJ Kārlis Ķilkuts in the Great Hall and the Golden Hall of the Riga Latvian Society House. At the same time, various creative activities and master classes were held in the White Hall.

Each guest had the opportunity to have their photo taken in the photo area.

The evening was hosted by actors Agnese Budovska and Gints Andžāns.