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Ms Liene Pommere has been working in the RSU International Admissions Office of the International Department since November 2022. She is a graduate of the University of Latvia, with degrees in English Philology and Communication Science.

For over 8 years prior to joining the RSU community, Ms Liene Pommere has been an educational counsellor helping students from Latvia pursue their secondary or higher education abroad. Thus, she has been part of the international education sector for a long time and brings her experience and expertise to her work with international applicants seeking their studies at RSU, the university’s representatives abroad and student recruitment related events.

Fields of expertise/responsibilities:


Laurence Dietze
Cooperation Coordinator (Elbe Kliniken Stade)
Māris Ginters
Acting Director, Head of the International Admissions Office
Jūlija Makņa
International Relations Officer
Agnese Šķēle
International Relations Officer
Ilze Zvēra
International Relations Officer
Reinis Gailītis
Acting Manager
Marika Barone
International Project Manager
Lāsma Metniece
Project Manager
Maruta Funta
International Relations Manager
Diāna Beļinska
Translation Project Manager
Iveta Rimšāne
Translation Project Manager
Ieva Zunde
Translation Project Manager